Kim Jong IlI love these guys. They are so crazy. Ever since the Taliban was routed I was worried that I would be deprived of “examples of crazy regimes”. But thankfully, North Korea has stepped up to the plate.

Honestly, these guys are fucking nuts. Their “beloved leader” Kim Jong Il, is into wearing fashionably gigantic glasses, matching suits, personally directing huge pageants to himself, and kidnapping actresses from South Korea for his own personal pleasure. The dude is certifiable. And he could be the worlds first gay, nuclear armed dictator.

Two days ago the world was treated to the sight of a melange of diplomants all patting each other on the back as they read off a joint statement that seemed to indicate that North Korea was going to dismantle its nuclear weapons program. A victory for diplomacy! Let peace and order reign through the land!

Yeah right. It took all of two days for the North Koreans to revert to crazy mode.

Whew. I was almost about to lose my only remaining source of entertainment in the political sphere (watching Bush mangle commonplace words on national TV doesn’t count).

Categories: Ramblings

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