Right from the start we knew it was going to be sucky.

The first round, a picture round, was all logos of Dutch companies with the text removed. And our only native Dutch team member cancelled ten minutes before the start of the quiz. Great. We got 3 out of 10 on that round and that set the tone for the evening.

I think we got four or five out of ten on the second round, and that’s when we started drinking heavily.

There were some highlights though. The music round was done karaoke style, with the singer’s voice removed, but the songs were fairly mainstream and I was able to make a contribution to the music round (a rarity). 14 out of 20, which for us is pretty damn good.

The real highlight of the evening though was when they asked who the author of “Last of the Mohicans” was. Since I worked for three years at YMCA Camp Chingachgook, which is named after the last Mohican chief who stars prominently in the book, I knew that somewhere in the deep recesses of my brain I knew the answer.

First I remembered that it was a three name author. My initial suggestion was Robert Louis Stevenson, but then Ian guaranteed me that he was Scottish and I thought some more about it. Okay, George Painter, camp director, he loved talking about that stuff. He must have gotten up at one point at one of the opening ceremonies or all-camp gatherings and rambled on about the history of–


In the words of Ali G and Julia Struck… “BOOYA KASHA!”

I’m pretty sure we are the only team that got that right. Funny how the brain works.

Anyway, we ended up with like 55 points (terrible) and in 12th place. Marco, you are going to face disciplinary action for this.

Categories: Europe

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