So today was the first Murphy’s Pub Quiz of 2006, and the TOC was represent’in!

4th place. I thought we might get third, but alas. The theme for the evening was “events of 2005”. You’d think for news afficianados like us it would have been cake, but we had questions like:

  • In what month did Bush visit the Netherlands?
  • In what month did such and such old football star die?
  • What was the name of the person who won re-election in Surinam?
  • What was the name of the winner of the Lakeside Championship (in darts)?
  • What was the name of the skyscraper in Madrid that was on fire for 16 hours?
  • Who came in third in the Formula 1 this year?
  • Who was the “king of the mountains” in the Tour de France?

WTF right? Well, thank god we had Ingrid. She truly kicked some booty, providing most of our Dutch-oriented questions and at leat half (if not more) of our music answers. We scored our highest ever on a music round: 17 out of 20.

We also had a random question about what “paraskavedekatria” was the fear of: Friday the 13th. Duh.

Anyway, we’re off to a great start, and with a full complement next week we should be even better.

Categories: Europe