the promise5 stars

This was a fantastic movie. And when I say that I mean it in both the “it was really great” sense and “it was a fantasy” meanings. It’s a fantasy story that takes place in a version of ancient China that is beautifully realized by whoever did the production design. If there’s one thing you can say about the Promise is that it’s a very pretty movie.

The Promise isn’t a martial arts flick, and it’s not primarily a war movie (although it does have a couple of kick ass fight scenes). It’s more like an epic romance story that happens to be set somewhere where the people can fly around Crouching Tiger-style, where the colors are remarkably vivid and the people wear extremely elaborate outfits, the women are beautiful and the men are haunted by destiny and honor.

I highly recommend this movie if you like fantasy. Even if you don’t, it’s unlike anything you are likely to see produced by Hollywood and that alone should give you incentive.

Categories: Entertainment

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