I’d like to thank Maurits for making good on his offer to come and play squash. We had two very good sets, which I feel obligated to point out that I won (2-0, 2-1). Maurits has a tricky serve and good ball control (said with as straight a face as possible), and to ensure victory I had to play some very mean drop shots which slightly lessened my joy at winning.


I made a tactical mistake of trying to integrate three players at varying degrees of maturity in their squash “lifecycle” into one evening, but now we know that doesn’t work so well and won’t subject Lynn to Maurit’s mean serving again. (Maurits. You big jerk.)
As the victor, I am obligated to offer Maurits a chance for a comeback. But to be honest, he’s pretty good for someone who claims to have not played in two years, and I’m not so sure I want to play him when he’s at full strength.

In any case, it was a good time and I hope the Jack Slagman gym will see us a few more times.

Categories: Europe

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