Batman Begins

Right off the bat you should know that from the ages of 11 to about 15 I was a huge comic fan. I generally shunned what I considered the more ‘kiddie’ brand of DC comics in favor of the imminently more mature Marvel universe of superheroes, but I always had Read more…

Series of Unfortunate Events

This movie was GREAT! Five stars. I can’t believe I didn’t go see it in the theater and didn’t hear more about it. It was a unique and original story, a great cast, looked beautiful (both the cinematography and the sets), was funny, magical, and entertaining the whole way through. Read more…

Sin City

Just saw it yesterday (when we had the power outage). I have to say, I really liked it. The music track and some issues with the pace kept me from saying that I LOVED it, but it was still a great movie. I was a fan of the comics too. Read more…