The popcorn in the movie theaters here is coated with sugar instead of salt and butter. I have to say, I really like it. It’s a really light coating, just enough to give you the idea and to make you want more. Come to think of it, they may mix heroin in there too…

Also, at the little three screen theater in Dordrecht here they stop the movies halfway through and have “intermission” for fifteen minutes. To be extra cruel, they play this little clip of a beer commercial the whole time, which accomplishes two things: 1) makes the audience want beer (which is available at the concession stand) and 2) makes sure that only the deaf patrons will actually stay in the theater during the intermission.

Brilliant marketing.

PS: Blade Trinity was pretty bad. And for me to give a comic book superhero special effects vampire Wesley Snipes movie a bad review is saying a lot.

Categories: Europe

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