My friend Mark introduced me to the world of massively multi-player online role playing games (MMORPGs). As a former comic book collector, I simply had to give City of Heroes a try as my first MMORPG. I have to admit, for a few months I did little else in my spare time other than complete missions to earn money so I could tweak the colors on my costume. But then I snapped out of it, let my subscription expire, and re-introduced myself back into polite society.
Then my frien Ian introduced me to Second Life. WHile it had some minor innovative improvements over other types of virtual reality environments, I just found it too geeky to get into.
And then I saw this. Fabjectory.
This is a company that takes your ‘avatar’ from Second Life and actually makes a seven-inch doll out of it, fully painted and accurate to the shape of your self-created online character. All of that for only $100 (without shipping).
Now, I know that I really shouldn’t… but I actually want one.
I can just imagine these seven inch dolls of characters ripped off from Japanimes and lovingly customized by their geek creators sitting on the desks of overweight, pallid-faced gamers all over America. Fabjectory, hats off to you. You found the perfect market to sell the time of your rapid prototyping machine. I’m sure it will be fully utilized from now on.
God bless America.
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