So, I was motivated to start writing again by the efforts of both my Dad and my friend Jen Stevens, who was kind enough to pressure me into joining her writing group. A fun bunch, who give good constructive criticism, the hardest thing was to get back into it.

Then I took a look at my blog. The last post was almost a year ago. What the hell kind of Internet-age executive can I be if I don’t even update my blog regularly!

But oh, what to write about. So many topics that no one will care about. So many opinionated pieces for the sole consumption of the Google indexing robot. So little time.

The first piece I wrote for my group ended up being written on a plane to Europe on my iPad because I was running out of time. It ended up being autobiographical because I felt like such a poser trying to write something fictional. The second time it was my turn to share I again procrastinated, then four days before we were supposed to meet I wrote the beginnings of a story that I had no idea where it would end, but was about a topic I at least cared a lot about and was therefore willing to do some research on: pirates.

Yes, that’s right… pirates.

Not the Johnny Depp kind, but the skinny Somalian kind.

Something about the idea of four guys on a wooden boat successfully taking over a 500-ft container ship worth hundreds of millions of dollars just fascinated me.

So, maybe one day I’ll put it on my blog.



Categories: BrianNew York

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