My New Love: Borderlands 2

I have a new love, a cartoon-looking first-person-shooter called Borderlands 2 which is one of the best games I have ever played. The gameplay is pretty much your standard button layout, it’s smooth and fluid and the auto-aim is subtle and has just the right balance of helpfulness and skill. Read more…

London, Baby

/BEGIN RANT Dear Diary, Moving is a freaking pain in the ass. It’s less of a pain when five Mexican guys show up at your door, willing to professionally wrap and box every single item in your entire apartment (thanks Rigo, Julio, Gino, Freddy, and Angel). But it’s still a Read more…

Crysis 2

So I was looking for a good FPS to transport me into a fantasy realm where I am powerful and use my superpowers (and many many guns) to kill bad guys, and I saw the TV ads for Crysis 2 and thought “perfect”. However, when I started playing I learned Read more…


This movie rocked! It was like a two-hour long chase scene starting in the wilderness of some Scandinavian-looking country, through the deserts of Morocco, then finally into Germany. The girl who plays Hanna does an awesome job of being both likable and giving off that “I’ve been living in a Read more…

Battle: LA

You’d think a movie with Marines fighting aliens in LA would be right up my alley, and that’s why I went to go see it while I was in London on a business trip. But the movie was so overwhelmingly bland and uninteresting that I have to give it a Read more…

Naked Chicks

So yesterday we stopped snowboarding a bit early and, after Darien brought Joanneke back from getting her new cast (turns out her leg is broken), we went to the brand spanking new “Tauren Spa“. Now, I’m no connoisseur of European spas, so I have no frame of reference, but I Read more…

Ski Trip 2011 – Kaprun

Well, the cast is a bit smaller because Leah missed her flight and decided not to come, and Tori, Joanda, and Robert are sitting this one out, but most of the gang is together again in Kaprun, Austria, skiing and snowboarding on a glacier that’s 9,950 feet above sea level, Read more…

Dead Space 2

So, yeah, it’s awesome. I just finished it tonight. This is the best horror game since Doom 3 came out and blew everyone’s mind with the awesome use of sound and light to scare the crap out of you. The monsters were fantastically disgusting, and dying was made into a Read more…

I Am Number Four

I don’t know why the critics gave this one such rough treatment, I loved it. Checking on Yahoo! Movies before heading out one night when I was home alone and needed some entertainment, the critics were giving it a C- and users were giving it an A-. Now, I’ve repeated Read more…


Robyn and I just got back from seeing “Unknown“. It was good, in the same vein as “Taken” with the whole foreign-city, Liam-Neeson-looking-for-people-and-causing-mayhem, lots-of-steady-cam elements. I was proud of myself for recognizing the chick from Troy who played Helen, and whoever January Jones is, she looked great in a designer Read more…