This movie rocked! It was like a two-hour long chase scene starting in the wilderness of some Scandinavian-looking country, through the deserts of Morocco, then finally into Germany. The girl who plays Hanna does an awesome job of being both Read more…

Naked Chicks

So yesterday we stopped snowboarding a bit early and, after Darien brought Joanneke back from getting her new cast (turns out her leg is broken), we went to the brand spanking new “Tauren Spa“. Now, I’m no connoisseur of European Read more…


Robyn and I just got back from seeing “Unknown“. It was good, in the same vein as “Taken” with the whole foreign-city, Liam-Neeson-looking-for-people-and-causing-mayhem, lots-of-steady-cam elements. I was proud of myself for recognizing the chick from Troy who played Helen, and Read more…