Machu Pichu

I can’t believe it took me so long to get around to writing about Machu Pichu, especially since it was really the highlight of the whole trip and the reason I wanted to go at all. The appeal of Machu Pichu, besides its scenic beauty (), is the unique window Read more…

Ticket to Ride

Ian, my very good friend, bought me this great board game for my birthday. We have been duelling it out with Colonisten for so long, that it was really nice to have a different kind of strategy game to play. The game is very simple in theory, if a bit Read more…

Peru Pictures Are Up!

It took a week of uploading, downloading, manipulating in Photoshop, and making some agonizing choices to cut down to 170 (from the over 400 pictures we took), but the pictures from our trip to Peru are now up. Access them here.


This past Wednesday, in honor of Gioia’s last days in the Netherlands, we rented a car and drove to WalibiWorld. This is about as close as you can get to a Six Flags (my own personal favorite being Six Flags Great Adventure, in my lovely home state of New Jersey, Read more…

The Little Touches

So I have been really remiss in posting in July. Been super busy between school work, entertaining the parents, and Frisbee. But here’s something for you. A few days ago I decided it was a nice day to drive to work. It takes about the same time as the train Read more…

Ultimate Pain

Ah, that sore aching feeling in your toenails when they have been pinched for too long inside your cleats and they are dead from lack of blood circulation and just starting that three month long process of turning black and falling off. I really need to find a combination of Read more…

Quick Update

Haven’t been posting for a bit because Ian and I were busy trying to convince the CEO of our company to fund our project (which he did, thank you PowerPoint skills and new suits), and then immediately after that Mom and Dad arrived at Schiphol for a weeklong viist. Have Read more…

With Friends Like These…

So we did this exercise in my “Leadership” class Saturday at my MBA program where we went around and said what the positive contribution of everyone in our class was. This is one of those feel-good, touchy-feely things that I as an American can get into, but which my European Read more…

World Cup

The games continue. Last night the Dutch team played Argentina, the toughest team in their pool and a favorite to win the whole thing. I watched the game with five people. A German, an Irishman, a Canadian, a South African, and me, an American. At one point I looked around Read more…

Working Hours

So I went to the bakery on the corner of my block this morning to get some chocolate croissants on my way to the train station. It was 7:45. There were two women behind the various counters when I got outside the bakery. I pushed on the door and it Read more…