The Promise

This was a fantastic movie. And when I say that I mean it in both the “it was really great” sense and “it was a fantasy” meanings. It’s a fantasy story that takes place in a version of ancient China that is beautifully realized by whoever did the production design. Read more…

Old Boy

Wow. It’s hard to know where to begin. First off, this is a Korean movie, so if you are a prejudiced bigot about foreign films, stop reading. However, if you want to see a really really cool movie… rent OldBoy. It’s pretty difficult to describe this movie. I’ll give you Read more…


xcnl > en I really liked this film. All I knew about it was that Sam Mendes (director of one of my favorite movies – American Beauty) directed it, and it was about Marines in the first Gulf War. I was thinking, “Hmm, I bet Sam Mendes will make a Read more…


It was a choice between Munich and the Geisha movie, and I have really wanted to see Munich since I heard that Steven Spielberg was tackling a movie about terrorism. True to what you would expect, Munich is a well-written revenge thriller which puts Steven Spielberg back into the “Great Read more…


I recently finished a great history of the Roman republic by Tom Holland called Rubicon. My friend Ian was telling me about it and got me interested in it, so I owe him credit for changing my opinions on the ancient Romans. I always liked the ancient Greeks more than Read more…