I take it all back.

The two ditzes behind the counter today had to spend ten minutes looking up in a book what the procedure for special people was and then told me that they needed yet another friggin’ piece of paper. A letter from my company explaining that I really AM special.


Categories: General


Jenn · August 16, 2005 at 11:23 pm

Good luck if you decide to get a car. I heard that gas is like 6 bucks a gallon or something over there.

Daniel · August 18, 2005 at 1:03 am

So what happens to your Jersey license? Do they give it back?

Brian · August 18, 2005 at 11:28 am

They keep it. You can request to get it back (which I did), and you can send them back the Dutch one when you are leaving the country, but since I’m planning on needing to make a fast escape, that’s probably the last I’ll see of that license.

Shame. Pretty holograms.

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