I am really ambivalent about cynicism. On the one hand, I love to engage in it and appreciate it. On the other, I find people who are nothing but cynics intolerably boring.

But this example from my pal Jack Rogers, where he was responding to a fairly dumb email thread about how the world hates America because they’re jealous of us, was so good I had to post. Here Jack is answering the extremely well thought out argument: “Who cares, as long as we can kick their asses!”

Jack’s response:

“Yeah, the world is just cowering in fear at the possibility that we might have a few extra National Guard units (the ones that aren’t on their third tour protecting the journalists’ hotel in Baghdad) to roll into their countries. This kind of belligerent posturing is sure working well with the Iranians. Not only are they racing to build a nuclear arsenal, but they’re already publicly designating countries for incineration. Meanwhile, bullyboy Bush and his buddies Harriet, Brownie and Scooter are bellying up to the basement bar at Cheney’s undisclosed location to down some Jim Beam and reminisce about the good old days. But hey, at least we made sure that Saddam couldn’t pretend to buy fake uranium in Niger with oil-for-food bribes.”

You tell ‘im Jack.

Categories: Ramblings


ian mulvany · November 10, 2005 at 11:08 am

Cynicism is the result of diassapointed idealisim. Once your realise that there really is no higher good in the world to aspire to, and that the corruption and stupidity around is are consequent, then it is much easier to avoid being cynical, and to be quite happy about the world, actually.

Brian · November 10, 2005 at 11:56 am

Yes. Happiness through the thorough crushing of idealist hope. Good plan. Run with it.

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